Features: Search in Place

The easiest and intuitive WordPress plugin for finding posts on websites and store products.

WordPress Integration

The Search in Place is distributed as a WordPress plugin, it applies by default the seach in place behavior to the common search box on website. Furthermore, this plugin includes a shortcode to allow insert additional search boxes.

Search in Place

Performs real time searches in background, as the search terms are typed, displaying possible results the users can access immediately.

Searches by Common and Custom Post Types

Allows looking for common WordPress post types, like posts and pages, and custom post types, like the WooCommerce products, Easy Digital Downloads, or any other post type. Includes the integration with popular plugins like: WooCommerce, WP e-Commerce, Jigoshop, Ready! Ecommerce Shopping Cart and others.

Looking for Post Metadata and Taxonomies

WordPress searches only by posts' titles, excerpts and posts' contents, however, our plugin includes the possibility to search by posts' metadata and posts taxonomies, like addresses associated to the posts, categories, and more.

Terms Suggestion

Includes the terms suggestion feature. As the terms are typed, the plugin recommends other terms related with the existing ones to restrict the search results.

Allows Grouping by Post Types

Allows grouping the search results by post types. Through the settings page of the it is possible to define labels associated to the posts types, these labels would be included in the results pop-up and the search results page.

Popup Design

The appearance of the results pop-up can be customized, selecting the colors of its items and texts.

Terms Highlighting

Highlights the search terms in the results pages and current pages, identifing the search terms easier.